After the recent article about how Peter Moore responded to Sony's onslaught yesterday, you would be forgiven into thinking that Peter Moore will have had enough of being in the Games Daily limelight this Tuesday. However you are sadly mistaken. Rumours are now abound that Microsoft's corporate vice president of interactive entertainment business, entertainment and devices division, basically Mr.XBox, is leaving the company to secure himself a position within the upper annals of EA Sports.
EA and MS have been very close over the years but the fact that Moore once ran the sports business with giant Reebok and is rather outspoken over his love about all things sporty, could add some weight to the rumours.
The question of salary must be a stumbling block, however as is there a company out there that can match a Microsoft-exec pay cheque? Also, going from "Mr. XBox" 360 to "bloke at EA" could be quite rightfully construed as a backward step.
Who knows?
/takes a moments silence
You know I can't remember who he is any more. I just find myself repeating the name Don Mattrick over and over.
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