Yep, another day another interview with an ace development team! This time it was Wahoo Studios talking to me via email about their latest title Saga for the PC.
Interested? Read all about it here.
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Saga Interview
Eurogamer Switchball Review!!
Wow after so much begging, pleading, pestering and something-else-beginning-with-p Kristan Reed, Editor in Chief over at Eurogamer Towers gave me the opportunity to do a review and get it published. Without too much persuasion I said I'd get right on it.
You can see the results here.
Well, as you can see it got published and Krudster as he affectionately known as, has asked me to do another one, ScrewJumper which I'll hopefully have finished by tomorrow.
Fame at last!! :)
Sacred 2 - Fallen Angel Interview
Well, well. I did this interview the other day for my pals over at SI and their stats went through the roof. I spent hours trying to convince myself that it was because of me that folk came in droves but after my tears and a healthy dose of self realisation I came to the conclusion that unfortunately the reason why they all appeared in a hurry is because they were excited about the game.
Oh well. One day.
(Sorry for shouting.)