Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Techland: Dead Island - Interview

[UPDATED: Those crazy cats at Strategy Informer have now added my name to the interview questions. Lovely, lovely people.]

Well that's got me all flustered. I explored the depths of my question asking repertoire, lovingly wrapped it in the shape of an email and caress the send button and wiped a tear as my beautiful flying monkeys soared toward the Strategy Informer inbox.

Two weeks or so went by without so much as tinker from Techland. I waited poised, like a dog waiting for a morsel to fall off a dinner plate.

Dance to the music

Finally today it arrived. You'd think I'd happy wouldn't you? But NO! NO! Those horrid people at Strategy Informer left my name off the questions!! Well you can be sure I emailed them instantly to tell them that I'll pull the bloody trigger if it doesn't get sorted.

I'm sure that when they see their error they'll fix it sharpish!
