Due to not having too much time, I'm doing a round-up this time. I've got another review on Eurogamer which I'm very pleased about and my reviews for Jericho and Timeshift have been published by Boomtown and Strategyinformer respectively.
So, here they are!
Things are really picking up at the moment so all's good in the hood. Let me know what you think.
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Timeshift, Jericho and Screwjumper!
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Saga Interview
Yep, another day another interview with an ace development team! This time it was Wahoo Studios talking to me via email about their latest title Saga for the PC.
Interested? Read all about it here.
Eurogamer Switchball Review!!
Wow after so much begging, pleading, pestering and something-else-beginning-with-p Kristan Reed, Editor in Chief over at Eurogamer Towers gave me the opportunity to do a review and get it published. Without too much persuasion I said I'd get right on it.
You can see the results here.
Well, as you can see it got published and Krudster as he affectionately known as, has asked me to do another one, ScrewJumper which I'll hopefully have finished by tomorrow.
Fame at last!! :)
Sacred 2 - Fallen Angel Interview
Well, well. I did this interview the other day for my pals over at SI and their stats went through the roof. I spent hours trying to convince myself that it was because of me that folk came in droves but after my tears and a healthy dose of self realisation I came to the conclusion that unfortunately the reason why they all appeared in a hurry is because they were excited about the game.
Oh well. One day...one day.
(Sorry for shouting.)
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Uncharted: Drake's Fortune - First Impressions
My first impressions of the Uncharted demo have been lovingly posted on the digital walls in the network corridors of our favourite Danish/English gaming website Boomtown.
As I'm absolutely knackered this extremely cold Danish winter evening all I'll say is the direct link is right here.
Now go pre-order it or cheat the tax man and import it.
I said go.
Friday, November 9, 2007
Eternal Sonata - Review
What haven't I said about the game already? Seriously, send me a list.
Ho,ho, ho. Anyway, you can read my interview with none other than tri-Crescendo's creative lead, Hiroya Hatsushiba here.
If that doesn't whet your appetite then there a first impressions piece that I wrote and now to cap off the Eternal Sonata hat trick my review has gone up over at Boomtown and you can read it...
Over and out.
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Techland: Dead Island - Interview
[UPDATED: Those crazy cats at Strategy Informer have now added my name to the interview questions. Lovely, lovely people.]
Well that's got me all flustered. I explored the depths of my question asking repertoire, lovingly wrapped it in the shape of an email and caress the send button and wiped a tear as my beautiful flying monkeys soared toward the Strategy Informer inbox.
Two weeks or so went by without so much as tinker from Techland. I waited poised, like a dog waiting for a morsel to fall off a dinner plate.
Finally today it arrived. You'd think I'd happy wouldn't you? But NO! NO! Those horrid people at Strategy Informer left my name off the questions!! Well you can be sure I emailed them instantly to tell them that I'll pull the bloody trigger if it doesn't get sorted.
I'm sure that when they see their error they'll fix it sharpish!
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
The History Channel: Great Battles of the Middle Ages - Interview.
There I was, poised on my roof trying to re-enact the Crane move as seen in the the mega smash hit film, Karate Kid. I had a perfect picture of Mr. Mayagi in my mind, the air was still: I was ready.
Just as I was about to leap the laptop sent me a distress signal. Being the consummate professional I am, I lept off my house, into my living room before anyone could say, "Wax on, wax off."
Needless to say it was Jamie from Strategy Informer. Just before you ask who Jamie is I'll say this: he doesn't make the tea...capice!
Well, as it happens, Slitherine Software had just announced a new game and they wanted me to interview them so they can sell more copies. Being the mercenary S.O.B. I am I first negotiated price and then said yes.
After what felt like a year I managed to squeeze out a few questions. The answers to those questions appear here.
I went back up to the roof again btw, but it was raining. But I'll keep you updated as to how it goes with the whole crane thing.
Friday, November 2, 2007
Conan - PS3 Review
My bosom buddies over at Strategy Informer phoned me up to literally beg me to get off my fat arse and review Conan for the PS3. I was midway through eating my fourth double cheeseburger but being the trouper I am I agreed.
After hours of deliberating, gaming playing, sweating and inane midnight rambling I finally managed to squeeze out a few hundred words on the Conan subject. The results can be found here.
If you want a summary I think Nihilistic Software are a lazy bunch and have literally copied everything that's good about the stunning God of War and worsened it. If you want the long version you'll have to click the link above.
Anyway, here's a low res screenshot: