Sunday, July 29, 2007

Japanese Hardware sales, July 16th - July 22nd

Yes it's the weekly point and laugh at Microsoft time! That's right, kids. The Japanese hardware numbers are up. I wonder how many billion Wii's and DS' Nintendo have sold this week? Or maybe the PS3 has actually made some ground? Who knows?

Still, looking at Eastern sales that have no bearing on the Western gaming market is always fun, and laughing at the dire performance of the XBox 360 always brings apologists out of the woodwork from both sides of the console fence.

I know the suspense is killing you so here they are!

- DS Lite: 154,459 12,492 (8.80%)
- Wii: 86,786 23,068 (21.00%)
- PSP: 32,894 4,684 (12.46%)
- PS2: 14,059 1,718 (10.89%)
- PS3: 12,187 1,306 (9.68%)
- Xbox 360: 2,664 278 (9.45%)
- Game Boy Micro: 315 21 (7.14%)
- Gamecube: 131 25 (23.58%)
- GBA SP: 122 16 (11.59%)
- DS Phat: 45 30 (200.00%)
- GBA: 24 24 (N/A%)

What a surprise! No-one's buying anything over there apart from Nintendo products! Who'd've thunk it?

Tune in next week to marvel at more Nintendo sales figures!

Source: Media Create