Saturday, July 21, 2007

Capcom Defends Going Multi-platfrom with Devil May Cry 4

Kieiji Inafune, Capcom's Head of R&D has recently talked about with the company chose take their forthcoming title Devil May Cry 4 multi-platform instead of following tradition and maintaining its exclusivity to the Playstation brand.

In an interview with, Inafune remarked, "Until now it’s been hard for us to develop multi-platform games, but recently we have developed this development engine that allows us to develop a game in the engine and then put it on to PS3 and 360." (He likes the word develop - or the translator does more like!)

Developing Dead Rising and Lost Planet helped flush out everything in the development tool system – which is now pretty much complete, aside from the usual upgrades – so we decided to use that engine, make it for the 360 and the PS3 with Devil May Cry 4”, he added.

The series has been with Sony since 2001 and when Capcom first announced their were going multi', hardcore fans of the series went nuts polling Capcom saying say were planning to boycot the company amongst other really pathetic things.

As of yet DMC4 as it's commonly known, has no official release date but some sites have it down Q4. However, screenshots are available. Here, have one!
