Tuesday, November 6, 2007

The History Channel: Great Battles of the Middle Ages - Interview.

There I was, poised on my roof trying to re-enact the Crane move as seen in the the mega smash hit film, Karate Kid. I had a perfect picture of Mr. Mayagi in my mind, the air was still: I was ready.

Just as I was about to leap the laptop sent me a distress signal. Being the consummate professional I am, I lept off my house, into my living room before anyone could say, "Wax on, wax off."

Needless to say it was Jamie from Strategy Informer. Just before you ask who Jamie is I'll say this: he doesn't make the tea...capice!

Well, as it happens, Slitherine Software had just announced a new game and they wanted me to interview them so they can sell more copies. Being the mercenary S.O.B. I am I first negotiated price and then said yes.

After what felt like a year I managed to squeeze out a few questions. The answers to those questions appear here.

I went back up to the roof again btw, but it was raining. But I'll keep you updated as to how it goes with the whole crane thing.