Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Halo 3: 4 player co-op confirmed

Once upon a time, rumours were abound that Bungie's forthcoming title, Halo 3 was not going to include the facility to play with friends over XBox live. Well now sites across the intarweb, albeit foreign language ones are reporting that Halo 3 will not only have the feature included, it will support up to 4 players playing Co-Op simultaneously.

This is huge news for Bungie and Microsoft after the leaked interview with EGM linked in the article. Many were up in arms over the alleged exclusion of the feature which came shortly after that Free Radical had announced that their debut title for generation consoles, Haze would support such a feature.

Frankie did however underline that such a process has its problems and as to exactly how smooth 4 player co-op will be remains to be seen. Expect a Day 1 patch.

Have a brand spanking new screenshot!

The countdown is on!

...and here's another!!